Selasa, 27 Januari 2009

A deceit

A recent convert to Islam, Nuaym, of the Ghatafan tribe, volunteered himself in any way that would help. Muhammad set out on a plan, using Nuaym’s affiliations with the Quraysh and the Jews as a ruse: "The apostle said: ‘You are only one man among us. Go and awake mistrust among the enemy to draw them off us if you can, for war is deceit’" (Ibn Ishaq, p. 458; see also Bukhari, and view the two hadiths below this linked one).
taken from:

the question is: Who is Ibn Ishaq?

taken from yahoo.answer:
Just look at the utter stupidity of some of these answerers قبحهم الله. Allaahul Musta'aan.

Ibn Ishaaq authored the famous Seerah of the Prophet salallaahu aalihi wa salam and At-Tabaree authored a book on Taareekh (history).

Both of them just collected narrations with the chains of narration without authentication. The reason for this is that these books were not authored for the ignorant layman, they were authored for the scholars as books of research. The authors collected "All what was said" and not "all what is authentic" so that when the scholars read the books, they research the chains of narration.

all we need to do is be careful for this ibn ishaq..
it would be better if we only take from the authentic!

At-Tabaree is also a scholar of Tafseer and has a well known book of Tafseer referred to as "Tafseer at-Tabaree".

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